We live in a society that revolves around us being always available and always on our smartphone devices. It’s expected that every modern person has a connection to the internet, so in a way, every little aspect of our entire life started to be dependent on it. We always have them in our hands to check on our relatives, new social media posts, take photos, write our thoughts. In a way, there’s nothing more personal than a phone. They are the remotes that control our lives, even without us realizing it. But, there’s one thing that is not connected to our phone – our work. And that’s where the issues start to rise.
Your Business
When it comes to the business world, they are, in a way, slow with catching up to change that happened in the way people connect with each other, with how their personal lives are now going. They think that communicating with their employees through phone is just unnecessary and hard, so why even try to see the benefits in it, right? Wrong! There is no easier and more efficient way to connect with your employees than having an Employee self-service mobile app. It’s not only an effective way to contact everyone in one go, but it’s also making staff’s life’s much and much easier. Checking in with your boss might be just too much work, so why struggle? Your workers always have their phones and social media on their hands, so the struggle of reaching out to everyone is gone. The company implementing an employee app will immensely help with all the organization inside and the workflow will become much faster!
If you still doubt it, here are seven reasons why you should implement an employee app in your company!
1. Employee’s Work Gets Efficient and Less Frustrating
We as people are used to things being simple, or at least not spending our time looking for crucial information regarding our work. We get aggravated and the whole process becomes a huge mess. What you need is to bring important information to people and not expect them to spend hours finding it. In simple words, what employees need is a distribution model, and what that does is send all that important work-related info right to our phones. The problem arises when companies expect their employees to do all that work for themselves and that’s a wrong mindset. It’s inefficient and a waste of time, so the solution for both parties to be happy is to create an employee app.
2. Most Employees Are Constantly on A Go
The majority of working people these days don’t sit behind their desks all day long. They are walking, driving, operating, simply doing their jobs that are not always tied to sitting behind a computer each minute. Everyone has different criteria for their job, but there is one thing that is common between all of them – owning a mobile device.
It’s almost impossible to reach people who don’t sit in front of a computer all day, they are on the go meaning that important work-related information might not reach them in time. Some jobs like postal services have a hard time connecting to their employees, so what they need is an online system for United States Postal service employees. That way all the important info will reach them in time. They provide more information on ocupaparana.org , so if you are interested in the concept but struggle to realize it, visit it!
3. A Way to Give Crucial Information Quick
What if something happened, no matter good or bad news, people need to know it right here and then. But how can you message everyone on your time in one go, or maybe you need to contact a specific division of your team. We are all familiar with getting notifications, so getting an employee app is a great way to send alerts that will surely reach everyone in no time. The company will instantly know their message was read by all the employees.

4. Building A Personal Connection with Your Team
What better way to connect with people working for you than contacting them directly. It makes you a trustworthy and reliant boss, your employees know they can count on you giving them crucial information the moment you receive it yourself.
5. You Are Confident That Your Message Got to Everyone
Sometimes not all people are present, and even if you ask to tell the missing person information you just said, there is always a chance it might not reach them after all. So, messaging them ensures you that whatever information you had will be delivered. Apps have a way of telling if it was read and if it was sent, so it’s a great way to be sure about it.
6. It’s Easy to Get Into
Most millennials are the ones who have a hard time moving with the current trends, they are used to information being told verbally, not on the phone of all places. But here’s a thing: people and the world move on, and if you don’t do the same people, your employees will move on from you. It’s important to stay in touch with progress because if you think connecting with people verbally is the most efficient way, that might be right just for you. You are working with a team, so make the experience good for everyone. Don’t be afraid of change, and if you have any questions, visit here to get a great summary of what and how employee apps work.
7. Cutting Straight to The Chase
You might think: well, why have an app if you can just send an email. But let’s be realistic, people nowadays have their email boxed full of messages they will never open and your important message might be lost in the inbox really fast.
If you want to make sure all the work-related information reaches your team and they 100% got it, forget about emails and use an employee app to stay in touch!